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Data Intelligence Services

Putting people at the centre of digitalisation

Home: Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge

Enabling efficient teams in a demanding, fast-changing digital landscape

Digitalisation done well can transform teams; done badly it ties teams up in an app, data, reporting  soup that destroys efficiency and motivation. 

Our Solution

Start with people, they are the customers of data

Insights from people within your organisation allow us to pinpoint problems and daily frustrations. Using our proprietary Data Mapper software these insights can be efficiently converted into digitalisation quick wins and long-term strategies.


Data Intelligence Services will be your Performance Partner. We can support you on everything from full digital transformation programmes through to front-end designs,  data engineering, artificial intelligence and IT support.

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Enable people and technology, innovation will naturally follow

At Data Intelligence Services we know the power of digitalisation to transform teams. We also understand the pitfalls. Putting teams at the centre of transformation, fostering the correct mindset, and ensuring clear goals are all critical to success.


Our team have experienced this first hand; our senior positions have proven industry experience before joining us. By combining this experience with our in-house tools, we can support you and your teams with clear, actionable advice based on a unique blend of real world experience and cutting edge data technologies.

Home: Ethos

"Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you'll be able to see further."

J. P. Morgan

Home: Services


From single spreadsheet reviews through to digital transformation programmes

Digitalisation, like building teams, is a journey. With every step new possibilities open up. It doesn't matter if the journey starts with a single spreadsheet or Hadoop cluster, we are here to support you.


Digitalisation can be highly conceptual and it is critical to be able to visualise outcomes at an early stage. We pride ourselves on delivering friendly accessible services and appreciate the value of a pen and paper sketch as a design tool.  To support this we have built up extensive graphics and user experience capabilities in our team.


To  efficiently deliver our services we typically (but not exclusively) leverage the following ecosystems:

  • Adobe (Illustrator, Photoshop, Premier, XD)

  • Apache Kafka

  • Azure (including machine learning,  databases and storage)

  • Data Mapper (own product)

  • Elastic Stack

  • Neo4j

  • Microsoft 'standard' products (Office 365, Share Point, Power BI, Power Automate, Teams)

  • Python

  • SQL Databases (SQL Server, Sqlite, MySQL)

  • Team Viewer

  • Zendesk


We also have particular expertise with Industrial Control Systems and IoT devices as well as project management, construction and health and safety data and analytics.

Team Analysis, Support and Digital Strategy

Using our Data Mapper software  and your insights to map, understand and transform your digital landscape

User Experience UX

Wireframes and high fidelity prototypes suitable to pass to developers

Development Consultancy

Support and optimise development methodologies and change management

Data Science

One-off proof of concepts through to distributed production systems

Data Engineering

Architectural design and implementation for small and large scale systems

Business Analytics

Insights using spreadsheets, Power BI or custom Python based analysis 

Business Calculation Engines

Stand alone calculation modules to augment existing, often legacy, data systems  

IT Support

Support contracts for all systems we put in place as well as wider Microsoft environments


Custom training courses in any of the areas in our portfolio with flexible delivery - remote, in person, on demand video / slides

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Data Mapper

Our analytics engine, powered by next generation technology, inspired by people

A consistent challenge is understanding how teams, software and data interact. No two companies, often no two teams, work in the same way.  


In keeping with our people first approach we looked at how social networks model people and teams. We realised the social network concepts apply both in the social and business world, and there are parallels to be found in understanding how teams, data and software interact. By using graph structures and combining them with graph neural networks (a branch of machine learning) we can:


  1. efficiently map your organisation, data and processes;

  2. recommend, set, track and measure corporate targets;

  3. identify critical pinch points and low hanging opportunities;

  4. develop a robust digitalisation roadmap; and

  5. provide progress reports and digitalisation benchmarking.

Home: Data Mapper

"The best way to predict the future is to create it"

Abraham Lincoln

Meet the Founders

Home: Meet the Directors
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Ed Vigors

Ed trained as an electrical and electronic engineer and started his career in power generation. He was responsible for contract management and plant performance analytics. 


Ed then took up a senior management role looking after technology and change at a regulated London based financial firm. In this role he covered a range of technologies and legislations while managing diverse and distributed teams.


Ed led the development of multiple bespoke financial platforms. This included a highly secure, regulated, web based, customer facing investment platform. The role covered managing developers, master data, network and security architectures.


Ed brings a wealth of experience in the financial sector including security, compliance, network design, business analytics and business process optimisation. 

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Nick Vigors

Nick trained as an electrical and electronic engineer and also started his career in power generation. He was responsible for the electrical maintenance team and later the production team.


Nick then spent seven years building energy from waste plants ending up as a Project Director on, at the time of construction, Europe's largest energy from waste plant. In this role he led a team of over 1,000  during the construction phase.


Latterly Nick became Director of Advanced Digitalisation for a Swiss based engineering firm. In this role he built and led a team of Data Scientists and Engineers working on real time plant analytics and end to end data pipelines from sensor to cloud. 


Nick brings a strong background in data engineering and data science to the team as well as business analytics.

©2020 by Data Intelligence Services.

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